Pierce Results System
We use the Pierce Results System as a way of evaluating your spine, noticing how it moves through what should be normal ranges of motion. Spinal problems are revealed by having you turn and bend in specific ways. This thorough biomechanical analysis provides the basis for making a specific and highly-effective adjustment using a handheld instrument.
The Instrument
Our computerized instrument applies a series of “taps” on suspected vertebrae. Using a high-tech “force transducer,” the computer analyzes how the vertebral segment is responding. Think of it as a small reflex hammer. (You’ll hear the difference as each segment assumes a more competent position.) Not only does the computer help us identify where to adjust, but how your body is responding to your adjustment!
The Table
It’s also common to use a specialized adjusting table with cushions that “drop” away. This reduces the amount of energy needed to make changes in your neck and pelvis. Plus, drop tables are famous for increasing patient comfort and results.
The Results
Subluxation creates an inflammatory response that can be measured by changes in temperature. We’ll monitor your progress and watch for pattern changes along your spine by using highly-sensitive temperature measuring equipment.
As better spinal function returns and nerve interference is reduced, your body’s inborn healing ability will be enhanced and another chiropractic success story is sure to be recorded!