SIGMA Instrument Methods
Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat! Rat-a-tat-tat-tat! Rat-a-tat! Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat!

The first pulses (red) show high levels of tension. When tension is reduced (green) we see less stress and stiffness and more health and wellness.
What’s that sound? It’s a computerized instrument we use to analyze, evaluate and adjust your spine. It’s revolutionary because it eliminates the need for twisting or torquing the spine.
The Echo Effect
First, in a seated position with your spine comfortably supported, the SIGMA instrument will gently tap on each vertebra. The computer will sense the “echo” of each tap. A relatively short, flat wave pattern is preferred over a tall, sharply angled wave pattern.
With each tap, we can see your body change. When maximum stress reduction of each vertebral joint is achieved, we stop tapping. The resulting improved function and nervous system integrity invokes your body’s own healing capacity.
Relaxed Results
If you’ve ever “tensed up” in anticipation of an impending physical event, you’re the perfect candidate for the SIGMA Instrument Method. Because the gentle tapping is quick and you don’t feel vulnerable, you can relax and enjoy the process. Our patients love it!
How does the Computerized Adjusting Instrument work?
To better understand, let’s examine the idea of palpation. When a Chiropractor palpates your spine, they are checking for joint fluidity, motion and or rigidity. Improper motion effecting the nerve function is called a subluxation. In a similar fashion to palpation, the Computerized Adjusting Instrument can determine whether the vertebra’s motion is too rigid or too fluid. The spine should not be too rigid (hypo-mobile). However, instead of utilizing the doctor’s judgment as to what areas are hyper-mobile or hypo-mobile, the computer measures precise levels of motion. Therefore, the Computerized Adjuster can isolate a problem area faster and more accurately than manual procedures.
Combining Tradition with Technology
A light force is introduced into the vertebra to check motion, it is reflected back to the piezoelectric sensor, which measures the reflective force, sending it to the computer for interpretation, all before the muscle can respond in its normal way. Isn’t that incredible?
This is the same technology and same type of instrument that NASA engineers have used in the space program in order to evaluate the integrity of the ceramic cooling tiles on the outside of the space shuttle. The aviation industry, as well as civil engineers have used this technology in order to test metal fatigue in aircraft and bridge spans.
Chiropractors are now able to use this highly sophisticated technology applied to the human body in order to determine proper function. We can have the same level of care given to our bodies as multi-million dollar spacecraft. Doesn’t that give you a sense of being special and give you a higher level of confidence?
How can the Computerized Adjusting Instrument make spinal changes?
The Computerized Adjuster utilizes a precise oscillating force with uninterrupted motion. It is able to increase the mobility of the spinal segments by reducing or enabling motion in the abnormal areas. In other words, the Instrument is “unsticking” the joint. Have you ever seen a woodpecker tapping in an oscillating fashion on a tree? It is hard to believe, but you can watch them bore right through the hardest wood! The Computerized Adjuster taps in much the same way but uses soft tips that are comfortable to the human body and do not create damage.
This is just one more example how computer technology has improved our world. Call Verne Chiropractic Clinic to find out more!